Sunday, June 20, 2010

Keynote speaker at WUTLS2010 - Dr. Huapu LU

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Dr. Huapu LU, professor, doctoral tutor, director of the Institute of transportation engineering of Tsinghua University
He has studied in Japan from 1987 and received his doctor’s degree in transportation engineering from Nagoya University in 1993. In 2001 he received the academic rookie award from Tsinghua University. He has presided over many research projects funded by the National Natural Science Fund, the national 9th and 10th five-year plans, the State Planning Commission, the Ministry of Public Security and other relevant ministries as well as more than 100 practical items involving transport planning, intelligent transportation etc carried out in many Chinese cities such as Dalian, Hangzhou, Shenyang, Wenzhou, Lanzhou etc. Now he is undertaking several national key research projects including National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China, National Key Technology R&D Program and Beijing road traffic flow dynamical forecasting system development and so on.
He has also published over 150 articles in journal of Tsinghua University, Proceedings of the Japanese Civil Engineering Society, Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, China Journal of Highway and Transport, and other publications. He is also the author of a number of academic works such as "theory and method in transport planning", "modern urban traffic management," "integrated transport hub planning", "urban rail transit research and practice", "analysis of urban traffic", "intelligent transportation system", “Sustainable Urban Mobility in Rapid Urbanization: Theory and Practice in China” and "urban traffic management evaluation system".
His main research areas include: transport planning theory, intelligent transportation systems, and sustainable development of the transport system, road safety, and transport economics.
He now also serves in academic positions including the deputy head of the “smooth traffic project” panel of Ministry of Public Security, member of the urban transportation panel of the Ministry of Construction, member of the Intelligent Transportation Systems panel of the Ministry of Science and Technology, executive director of the STL, CCTA etc. He is also a member of the Editorial Board of "China Civil Engineering Journal", "Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology” and other publications. Dr. LU has also won an Outstanding Paper Award from the Japan Section of the Regional Science Association International (JSRSAI) in 1994.

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